Halifax Media Co-op

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posted by Robert DeVet on juin 2, 2015 - View profile


Nova Scotia ACORN Tenants Rights Town Hall

- 8:00pm
Vendredi Juin 5 2015

Venue: Dartmouth North Community Centre (beside Highfield Bus Terminal)

It is no secret that the abysmal state of housing in Nova Scotia is at a crisis level.  Affordable home ownership and rental opportunities are a dream, while existing lower income neighbourhoods are infested with rats, bedbugs, and mold.

Nova Scotia ACORN members are pushing back - fighting for landlord licensing so that apartments are inspected to make sure that they meet basic minimum standards, and also rent control to keep landlords from jacking up the rent however high they like!

Come out to the 2015 NS ACORN Tenants Rights Town Hall get the full update on all the different ways ACORN members are organizing around housing affordability and tenant rights issues!!

WHAT - Nova Scotia ACORN Tenants Rights Town Hall

WHERE - Dartmouth North Community Centre (beside Highfield Bus Terminal)

WHEN - Friday, June 5 from 6 - 8pm

Please let us know if you plan on attending, as it will help with refreshements and room set up.  

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